TS3 2003 Atlanta Supercross

CDavie_3D  (Mar 26, 2006)

Started just after the 2003 Atlanta supercross, this track was originally intended for Motocross Madness 2. However, although the displacement map and textures were soon created, I never got around to adding objects and a spline. When MX vs. ATV Unleashed came out for PC, along with a track editor, it was a dream come true. Since I had this nearly finished disp map and texture, I thought it would be an easy way to kick off my experience with MVA track creation. The track ended up working much better in MVA than in MCM2. I made some very minor adjustments to the disp map, added a spline and some objects and this is the result. I hope you find this track a good addition to your collection of user tracks. Comments/suggestions are very welcome.

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