The Flats

Checkerz448  (Apr 02, 2006)

Here is my second released track for MvA. I spent some time relearning everything before releasing another track. The Flats is a fun, flowing supercross with a lot of rhythms and rhythms within rhythms. In order to get a perfect lap each backside will need to be hit so you can jump the fastest rhythm through each second. Over or under jump and you can only double the next jump many times. Inside berms in some of the corners, a decent amount of objects this time and way better textures than I have ever done previously. I think this track is one that many will enjoy. Thanks to EOD_Sandman for the review on my last track to inspire me with some constructive critisism. Try this track, I don't think you will be disappointed. Review with comments, ideas, suggestions, anything you can tell me is helpful. -Checkerz 448

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