42 Creations (Nikhil) (Jul 26, 2006)
Well, here's my second track. This got delayed about a month and a half, but it's finally ready for release. I didn't want to release until it was as good as I could make it. The bales are actually the same as they were on the real track. I matched the bales by company where I could, and color everywhere else. Thanks to all my beta testers: MxRider, Cytreen, Trem, Chlyd, Cutino Creations, Checkers, and ib80. Sorry if I forgot someone. Huge thanks to ib80 for the awesome textures and track pic. He gave me a ton of great suggestions for the track.
Track appears as Las Vegas 2006 in the supercross section. Good laptimes are in the 1:15-1:17 range.
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