cR TrueSX (Contest Winner)

cR  (Jun 10, 2006)

Track Name: TrueSX (1st Place entry at Track Masters contest)

Ingame Name: cR_TrueSX

Ingame Type: National

Average time of work: I have no idea, started this project like a month befor entering the Track Masters contest and worked on it on and off.

Tools used: Photoshop CS2, Unleashed Editior, MultiEx Commander, DXT2DDS, Notepad.

Extra's added: MXU Sky, MXU Sunflare, MXU Haybales, MXU Bike props, MXU Water, Photoshopped tree shadows (no boxy editior renderings), Accumilating mud (FM Bug fixed), Friction Map, Custom minimap.

Special thanks to: AMA_RaceX, UFO_Showtime and _6FU_speedracer for beta testing.

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