Tuckers Island

Missy_X  (Mar 20, 2006)

OK, well it had to happen one day : I present to u the first track that was made for MCM, then MCM2 and now MVA !
(well i think it's the first lol) I'm honored that one of mcm's track gods gave me the permission to remake one of
my personal favorite tracks ever ! Tuckers Island is not a track for the faint of heart, it's hard, it's nasty and it'll bite ya
in the ass whenever it can, that's Phatman's style for ya lol. Although once u get the rhythm going, it can be all
nice and smooth and yes even easy.

Anyway, i've had a blast remaking this classic and i want to thank some people for testing and their input : DaveU, UFO_Showtime, NJK_DeadDog and of course the man himself, Phatman for giving me hell over the damn thing right when i thought i had finished it lol

Enjoy !

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