The Fall

coyote  (Sep 28, 2009)

This is a non existing (not a replica!)
track, somewhere located in my head.
Nevertheless, a funride and you have different weather conditions.
Both the same direction, but with different FM.
Thanks, as usal, goes to the man, who keeps a lot of things alive: FALLGUY.
He is the one who improves our tracks, making no difference between the so called recognized and the normal track creators.

I hope you like the tracks,
i used cs2, editor , multiex.
fallguy added dre420 hd overlay and some nice sounds, birds, thunder etc...

works fine with all physics, though AI is enhanced in the dry version for sim physics. turned to 125% the are competitive.

enjoy the ride, its gonna be a long winter

leave a comment if you like
cheers coyote

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