secret garden

bondsmx  (Mar 08, 2006)

hey guys, my newest outdoor track.. the motivation for this track came from all the great rutted up tracks people have been making, putting the new MvA pyshics to use. i was making this rutted up hilly track, when jagmster came out with motox and 224, so i threw away the track i was working on and made this one... this track has ALOT of rutted corners, some nice jumps, and some rough sections... the track pic on here is the track without objects, so keep that in mind, the track has better eye candy now... the total feel i was going for, was this track is set in the woods, nice and rutted up, and its super early in the morning, with a little mist in the air... hpe you guys like this one b.bonds p.s. leave comments please

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