Roundabout Way

JacZo-141  (Mar 27, 2006)

Well guys (and gals if you're out there) here it is, my first real upload other than some dinky screenshot.

What we have here is a NAT that has about 25-27 hours of work into it, and I'm very pleased of how my time was spent. Building this track has helped me realize just how much work the top creators of this site put into just a single track, it will definitely change how I look at a track from now on when I'm putting it against the judges.

Now to the more regular items: Download & review, blah blah blah... right? NO! PLEASE for all of the 20 minutes it takes to download / ride / review this track, DO IT! I would like to continue making tracks for the online MX community and to make my tracks improve, i need as much input as possible.

Much thanks to JP, he helped me out a ton with Terragen, turning my textures from some weird puke pink color (that 91LT250R notable pointed out (thanks)) to something that looks like a nice, dark, loamy track.

Again, Download and REVIEW!

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