Out of Town

GHeTTo_Reptile  (Mar 31, 2006)

Well this track has taken forever, I have been back and fourth to it for about 3-4 months.. Originally meant for mcm2 it was only quarter complete, and I decided with much persuasion from team GHeTTo to get it finished... I made a lot of tweaks to it from what it started out as, and to begin with it was my first national disp map.... Anyhow forget all about that, and let me know what you think guys... I have made a few tracks in the past, and I beleive this is one of my better tracks. As they say, things can only get better.

Thanks to Wingman, Flexgrip, and team GHeTTo for the support and beta testing, oh and of course D-Dub for testing as well... Was much appreciated. Anyhow, ima stop blabbering now, and let you guys download it.

Jon aka Reptile

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