no27  (Nov 01, 2006)

ok first off to save any confusion this is a rep of mxon on race day
since there was a big differance in track conditions before hand! the rain on the friday made it a home for ruts.
im a bit pissed off about the way it turned out i had heeps of probs wit this track
this pak only has about 50% of the original objects! due to the amount of green mesh i had to remove
neally all of the off track objects because of major lag probs.i reskined a few objects to get it that little bit closer
and added some multiex stuff.i rekon this track is best ridin on a 250f without use preload the ai an't to bad bit hard
to get em runnin good on rough mx's plus i got them takin mutiple lines
so depending on wich line they take determens how fast they r use them on 125
peeps who run slower comps r still gona have lag probs! HINT ride in first person view it dosnt lag as much.
big thanks to RACEX bro if i had to sort out all them objects my lcd sreen would be full of holes
also thanks to DRE for doin me the favour of uploadin! have fun

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