(oltron (Mar 30, 2006)
Alrighty here we go. This track was inspired by the endless amounts of pimp tracks from flap an ddub... those guys held it down for mcm2 and are now killin it in mva! I tried to keep it simple, yet push my CURRENT skillz. progression is my goal. that editor has alot of powers that im tryin to harness but... gotta crawl before u walk right. HELP is always welcome. If ur gonna swan dive the track the whole time, go run ur mouth sum where else. It aint that bad, for a first timer. i feel. but like im gonna trash talk my first track...lol i read the last few tracks posted and tried to pay attention to ppls suggestions... made sure i got the shadows in there thas for sure... can't fall into that category... LOL Stock every thing cuz... NOOB alert its my firsty. Custom objects/texs/skys will come in due time. No beta testin cuz to tell ya the truth i dont even know wha that is... hahaha i can jus see the shaking heads... any ways tryer on, u might jus like this rookies first... lol
p.s. spode boy, ur sx tracks were/are/always will be sick... plz carry on ur legacy in mva. if u were here, my oven wud be pre-heatin and the hero cookie batter wud be ready to go. u kept it real in a time when fronters where all over the place. waitin with crossed fingers.... lol
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