Trickpack #4

Talipee  (Jan 05, 2005)

ey dudes!!! i have been working on this pack and this pack has chanced from the original version so much that i canĀ“t remember how crappy it was first... but now its heaps better so try to enjoy it...
Airwalk - whipped indian
Barhop - Heelclicker
Barkneel - One handed nacnac
BigKahuna - Body360
Cliffhanger - Racer lookback
Cordova - One handed SSG
Dcan - 9 o Clock nac
HartAttack - Kiss Of death
Heelclicker - Shaolin Altend Shaolin to turntable
Lazyboy - Onehand seatkahuna
Nacnac - Twitch clicker saran
Saran Wrap - DeadBody
Seatgrab - kod indian
Split X - Whipped ssg
Superman - Catnac indy
Tailgrab - Whipped Catwalk

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