Talipee  (Aug 27, 2005)

owdy fellowers! this has to be my longest work on a pack.. well actually longest period of time on making a pack.. Been feeling lazy and there still are a two or three tricks i didn´t like 100% but some of you guys might fancy them... ok nuff with the bull doodie. the replacers are:

Airwalk - Whipped Dcan indy
Barhop - Disco can indy
Barkneel - Indy barhop
BarkneelALT - No footed indy inverted
Bkahuna - SideWindar
Cliffhanger - Holyman to onehanded ssg indy
Cordova - Inverted double indy
Dcan - Maddocopter
DcanALT - switch hand maddocopter
Hart - Buyten stripper
Heelclicker - Rodeo
HeelclickerALT - Rodeo to Discocan
Lazyboy - Ssg indy (in pic)
NacNac - Turntable
NacNacALT - Turntable to sideshow
Saran Wrap - Christ air
SeatGrab - Rocksolid
SplitX - Mcmetz
Superman - Oxicutioner
SupermanALT - Ox to double bootgrab
Tailgrab - Lookbackwhip

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