
VRT_ALBA_517  (Jul 12, 2004)

Well first off I have to thank all the track creator's that helped me!!!!! Big props too: V_SDesigns for disp map help, DBR_TECH for making me a rideable beta / texs / objects / spline. Cant thank u enough! Tmd_Nemesis for disp help / and billboard skinning, Tmd_Micky for all the billboards that r on the track, Vrt_EvoIII for just being a kool bro that makes me skins and i just felt i had to give him props. VRT_RIDEBLUE65 did the texs / objects / sky / and re did spline. I only made the disps lol i got off easy! anyway this is a sx that i feel has a lot of flow, it is tech but not that hard. Plz leave me a review as this is my first track and i would like to hear any comments. They would be appreciated. Thanks again to all that have helped me to get to this point. Most importantly i would like to thank god for the insight to be able to make a track like this....... and hope u enjoy!!!!!!

God Bless,

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