VET_SPODEBOY (Oct 31, 2004)
.....After almost 6 years I am calling it quits for good. You can read about why here
.....Here is a collection of all the disp maps I have managed to save through out all the crashes and HD failures. 2003 sx season, 2002 sx season, and more. This is all I have left.
.....If you are just starting out making tracks you might want this file. You can cut and paste, resize whatever. You can take different sections from each map and make one big track? There are hundreds of berms, whoops, jumps, rythem sections.
.....I used a grid size of 3, a smoothing of zero, and a height of 100 feet. Yup, 100 feet. Have fun. No need to mention me if you use these in a track, just take em and help keep this game ALIVE ! ! !..
Peace brothers. Ya'll be cool..
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