Reverb SX

VMX_SKYmx99  (Nov 17, 2004)

Well guys, I finally did it. After 4 years of making tracks, I have finally achieved my goal. I have always wanted to make a track that rode realistic, but did not require tons of bumps. Timing is CRITICAL on this track. You cannot hold it wide open anywhere. Each jump has to be timed perfect. I recommend a 125 or 250. There are lines for the other bikes, but they just seem to0 big for this track. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. I feel that this is my masterpiece. I almost don't want to make another track because I don't know if I can get one better. (Not bragging) But you don't have to worry about that. I already have another disp in the works. :)

Thanks to the guys at TD, KXmotox45, 51, and VMX_Myth for the objects. Please download and Review. I hope ya'll like it.



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