Vodka Frenzie

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othg_chris774  (May 20, 2005)

Thanks goes to OTHG_PUMA125,FNF_PHIL80,ROBBOO66 and WWM_CHRIS267. who all beta tested this track, puma125 and phil both put in an amazing lap time of 1.30, on thier first few laps, it took me what seemed like a 100 laps before i got a 1.30 lap in. thanks to all the custom object creators for thier objects. and allso for the ones that i skinned and the objects that puma125 skinned.TD-MXU files are a must to be able to run this track.
Vodka Frenzie i a natural hilly grassland track., that as an appearance of being a well used mx track. i have made several jumps at various take off angles, some steep, some less steeper, at the top of the first hill, i have left the spline very loose on the outside of corner,in case you over shoot the corner..
thanks to everybody, who have commented on my past tracks
and downloaded my tracks i just wish that i could thank you all personly I DEDICATE THIS TRACK TO ALL OF YOU.
please comment on this track, as all comments a welcome good or bad. but most of all have fun. regards chris

ride with the oldies

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