Steppin' Out MX (chilled to perfection)

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VMX_ElDiablo  (Jan 21, 2004)

Steppin' in and steppin' matter HOW you slice it, this track is JUST PLAIN FUN!!!

Set around a sink hole, somewhat remeniscent of an old rock quarry. There are multiple step ups and step downs, drop offs, a couple of options for most of the jumps that will help to keep online racing close and fun!

The environment is snow and ice. Be sure to check out the frozen lake. I used a traction map to make the ice slick. It works best if you go slow on it. But don't don't HAVE to ride on the ice during racing. It's only a nice idea when you want to play or explore.

I didn't test this one like I normally do. I only let a couple guys ride it and they gave me some very helpful advice. Thanks to Fixer for giving me the idea for the water texture from his awesome breakthrough's with water objects. Thanks to Green, DSteel, and STC007 for their help in testing and other things. Thanks to Mike McCue for his pennant banners...and watch out for them until you get used to the track! lol's been a little while since I released something. I really wanted this one to be special. IMHO it's as good as anything I've ever done.

VMX_ElDiablo (Paul)

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