STC International Qualifier-Canada "IQ-Canada"

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RFJ_STC007  (Jun 02, 2004)

Man it's been awhile since I have let one go. Some of you probably don't even know who I
This is Interntional Qualifier-Canada or IQ-Canada the second in the IQ series with International Qualifier-The American Challenge as the first. This is a total 180 from the first track in the series where it still has technical parts but is way more "WFO". That is in part to the fact that TTM_KEVSTER and I did this thing together and he is a "WFO" nut! It's a 50/50 joint effort on this as far as the track goes with my textures and cube. It has some real trick spots in it to keep you on your toes but it is not a hard track to learn. Sub 60 seconds will be a goal to shoot for so look for the lines and find the right bumps to get you there. Hope you all enjoy it cause we did in making it. RFJ_STC007 and TTM_KEVSTER

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