STC Blaze 60 Series Round 01

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RFJ_STC007  (Nov 19, 2004)

Creation date: Early 2003

Well this is a old track of mine that isn't here so I thought it a good idea to give it a home again.

Personally I love the track!!! Just not too crazy about the way the textures came out because at this point in the game I sucked flat out at doing ruts. You'll see what I mean when you ride it. If you hit the blimp....well that was planned so just laugh about it...OK? Anyway it was a pretty good balance of almost all especially on the bi floater jump.

Word of advice to you is too read the sign to the right just before you hit that tells you what you need to do.

Have fun on it if it's your first time to run it!

Enjoy it!

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