Pine Bluffs

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VMX_PanicRev  (Jan 28, 2005)

OK then, first thing first. YOU MUST HAVE THE TD MXU Extended RES files installed in order to ride this track. If you don't have them yet then head on over to and view the Jan. 14 post. It's an easy install and all of your old mcm2 tracks will still work. Thanks Twisted Dirt!

On to the track. This is what I like to refer to as WFO in disguise. There's a lot of rhythm you can ride while you're learning the track but much of it becomes scenery as you learn the fast lines and leap over about half the jumps. Laps under 1 minute flat can be expected once you've mastered the track.

Huge thanks to Alex (VMX_SKYmx99) for the awesome job he did on the textures. I just told him what I wanted and BAM, first try, he nailed it.

We beta tested the hell outta this one over at the forums and I think it shows. Thanks to my beta testers, SKYmx99, Hazmat, _Burn_, VMX_D-Dub, KXmotox45, VMX_Hammer and mk7bultaco. So, if nothing else I know that there are 7 guys who like it :).

Additional thanks go out to ElDiablo for the sky cube which first saw action way back on Almost SX. One of his best cubes ever IMO. Once again I used TD's imfamous rocks and some fence and a shack of unknown origin, thanks whoever you are.

I think that covers it, enjoy the ride, Peace, Rev

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