BigTwista (Apr 17, 2005)
I must say thank you to Phil, Joe, Dave, Mike and Dustin for beta testing OKLAHOMA. Hottest lap was 1:31.16 by RacerxX. Textures are a team effort by _sX5Fe_gIZM0o, B2R_Stingray and myself. Objects again are from TD and moto45. The sky is from VMX_GravityX2. Thank you sir.
My good friend Mark aka TNT_AIRaquarian taught me to use two splines when I build a track. A texture spline and a race spline. For obvious reasons. This final spline is different than any other I've done and I simply refer to it as a "Freedom Spline".
Please enjoy OKLAHOMA!
Hank aka HaB__BigTwista
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