VMX_ElDiablo  (Jul 12, 2004)

Hey all!

I've had a lot of people asking for natural/style tracks in my older style. Well here it is...this one was created the very same way that I created CODE:Red. (the original one)

All done in Leveller and all with a very natural terrain feel. The thing that I got done that I didn't in CODE:Red is, this one has RUTS in the dismap! It has a very natural terrain FEEL and the lips have different sized lips across the face of them. This one has a LOT of line choice and should be a good one for online racing as well.

Thanks go out to MK7Bultaco for the inspiration to do one of this style again, TD (Mike McCue) and Extreme for objects, and the whole crew that helps beta test over at VMX Forums. Couldn't have done it without ALL of you!

Special thanks goes out to my bro VMX_GravityX2 for making the killer track pic. I told him I wanted something different and artistic and I think he nailed it!

Download, ride and if you feel like it, review!

I've got another one (wfo..big air) coming within the next week or so...(shameless plug) be on the lookout!

Thanks always to all who download my stuff.

VMX_ElDiablo (Paul)

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