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VMX_PanicRev  (May 16, 2005)

Here we have approximatly the exact opposite of every other track I've done. Very bumpy and rutted with lots of braking necessary.

My original intent was to build a track that the AI's would run really well on, and they do very well on the rutted up bumpy
corners but alas, they can't make the jumps. So while the experiment was a failure I still think the track is a fun ride.

Big props to Alex (VMX_SKYmx99) for the awesome textures...great job bro. Thanks to Myth, ElDiablo and KXmoto45 for objects
and props to all who tested.

I hope some of you enjpy this and those of you who like my wfo tracks (yes both of ya) never fear there's one coming soon.

Enjoy the ride,Peace, Rev (VMX_PanicRev) www.VMX-Racing.com

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