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RXR_Gizmo_  (Feb 23, 2004)

I've made tons of sky cubes for other track makers and for the last 6 months I have been making textures for others. The one thing I have never taken time to realy learn is disp maps. So over the last 6 weeks or so I have tried to focus on the whole grey scale deal. The Mauicool and the Twisted Dirt tutorials have been a huge help (I still threw away about 10 maps lol) The more I rode this one the more potential I saw in it. So I fine tuned it and used the texs I just made for Madman's new one.

I think this track will make for some good racing.

Oh and the name?

Well I always wanted either a lake, national monument or small country named after me.

And dont ask me what planet this one is supposed to be cuz I have no clue. lol

Thnx to MCMFACTORY for the web space.

Have fun

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