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BigTwista  (Mar 23, 2005)

Many thanks to giZMOo for the time spent creating and positioning of the sun in this cube. The texture and sky are both garish and rude, exactly the way I wanted it. Thanks to B2R_Falcon and B2R_Stingray for testing. They took time out from some high tech monster they're cooking to fly on this one. Sting, many thanks for rendering an alpha layer for my main tile. Objects again are from TD, 45 and Fixer with just a few stock items for fun. I re-skinned the Natural High Banner for the final turn to the gate. I was originally gonna call this track 49 - CUTAWAY because I built the displacement and got it running sweet, then cut-away the safe spots. After all it's WFO. There are no safe spots.
My team-mates Dustin aka BlackLodge and Phil, aka RacerxX did the bulk of testing with me . Many hours were spent here gentlemen. I'm very proud of this project. It's not perfect and I've noticed a couple of spots I could have fixed, really minor junk. Phil and I were testing this evening and trying to hot lap it and we left TTM on.
It got posted so we decided to let the dust settle and load it in. Hot-Laps are gone be just below 1:20
One final note, I personally appreciate the dedication of the folks at MCMFACTORY who provide the bandwidth to support the fun we all have here. You folks are the greatest.

Hank aka HaB__BigTwista

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