tk_flap (Aug 14, 2004)
Good Day. Flap here. Long time since i made a track.. been busy with life, riding and my girl for a while. well i had a day off, so i made a track. Spent my day makin this track, and its finally finished after a bunch of trouble. It was fun to make it untill dillo and dillo2 started messing with me. Well its out now. Its the follow Up to one of my alltime favorites, Torn To The Bone. A track i made a long time ago for my buddy Dan (corpse). This layout reminded me alot of the original TTTB, so i decided it would do good as a number 2. Thanks to Rob for the ramps, myth for the water, miracle for the 50 ramp, El_Diablo for the lake ramp, fiftyone for the sky and John for the pic. The rest is mine, have fun and please review! Peace out //Flap
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