tommy weecks 04 msr rep

tff_thormx  (Jun 25, 2004)

well here is tommy weecks gear (A.K.A) tff_fourone, i started this gear a while back now im not even, sure when like maybe a mounth or two. lol hes waited a long time for it . well anyway here it is and, why am i uploading a personal rider skin? becuase hes not just a rider. he races mx as a career and as far as iv seen has a hell of a bright future in it. so theres my explination foos! lol well, lets get to the gear i made everything, pretty much my self i didnt use anybody elses parts. and so thats about it d/l enjoy and don't worry tommy u know our deal on the rest of the stuff i made. Dobe go eat another power bar! while i grub on my pizza :P lol
lates tff_thormx.
o ya DONT RIPP!!!

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