Reeds 05 thor gear

tff_thormx  (Jun 06, 2004)

well......i haven't made skin for a while now which IM kinda known for going away. for a while it seems then poping back out with a new skin lol, i have no idea why IM just like that. anyway i saw reed where this gear write here at the opener of the nats as well as the second round. and i thought it looked pretty cool with the bandana design in it and all so i decided to make it, and make it a full on reed replica so i also made his brand new helmet that he's sporting write now. but the gear took me 3 days to make today's the 3rd day and IM finally done lol. so anyway on to the who made what?. i used tk_tweakeds gloves because in the PICS i used reed was wearing those exact ones so i figured run with it. so thanks a bunch tweaked they are an awesome set. as usual i used tk_disturbeds alpinestars which just don't get any better i bealeve. thanks to him so much for being kind enough to let just about everyone use them. now on to the gear i made this hole set of gear from scratch u wouldn't believe how many PICS i had to look at of reed wearing it i have about 59 now Jesus that's allot. well i think this gear came out just like i wanted it to. so thanks to those who support my skins and as always d/l enjoy DON'T RIPP!!!! Thanks to the man tk_mad mack for fixing the uploads
thanks tff_thormx

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