windham's hard rock crf

tff_thormx  (May 05, 2004)

ok well .....i cant say that i took a life time to make this bike because i didn't i simply took my regualr,kevin windham bike that i made a while back.and converted it to k dubs hard rock ride that he was riding in las vegas,this past weekend .id like to thank vmx_gravityx2 for the frame i just couln't think of a better one to use he he. so thanks man it looks great. now on to what i did since this bike has all purple plastics and is basicly purple allmsot evey where,for the first time ever i have used the pink showing to my advantage i bealeve because there is a lil pink on the plasticsof this bik. NOW IM NOT TALKKING A CRAP LOAD! just a lil around the edges now u may think i mest up, wrong! i did it on purpose,i bealve that since the plastics are the color they are the pink makes it look like a lil bitt of a reflection it looks really cool i think. so anyway d/l enjoy its for the regualr stock mcm2 bike model.thanks

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