stewart's 04 zebra tactic

tff_thormx  (Mar 01, 2004)

well lets see what can i say about this... first off i would like to thank tff_kxmotox45 because its all thanks to him this skin made it to upload. because he liked it so much which made me want to upload it so thanks for the encouragement man ;). now on to the skin if u are familiar with fox's tactic gear, u know that the arms on bolth sides are different from each other . and that in mcm2 we can't do that so with bubbas gear i did the next best thing i threw in bolth colors, in the mix on one arm which would kinda simulate his acully zebra gear. its all i could do since bolth sleeves are diff from each other. so any away i would like to thank mms_bonalls for the boots i don't even know of he's around anymore but if u are thanks man. and well the rest of the gear is all me i did his helmet, gear and everything so i hope u d/l and enjoy and DONT RIPP IT! thats all

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