MCgraths x games Cr250

tff_thormx  (Aug 26, 2004)

bike time!! finnaly it's done mc's cr250honda. i have had this in the works for as long as the x games have been over. let me get to the point of why the back ground is white,ok insted of using a pink transpericy layer to pink things out. i used a layer that not many use, its a clear one it does the samething as the pink. makes certain parts invisible but there is no pink showing at all! in game using the clear paint! just d/l it and look at it in sick trix or in game and u will see what i mean.anyway im happy with how this came out i tried to shape this like u would see the 04 hondas plastics shaped. i made the graphics and decals as well as a engine i whipped up, hope ya like that :). but i will say i used some of tweakeds logo's not all but some so thanks. this bike go's with the TD_MR3_CR250 model u can get it at extreme's site so anyway everybody d/l enjoy if ya dont like it theres something called a deleate button. i made it im happy with it and have fun DON'T RIPP! thanks

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