2006 Villopto MXDN (MVA.)

Lilbob862  (Oct 29, 2006)

Ok so wow. This skin has been in the works for quite awhile now. I thikn we started way back in the beginning of september. And ghost was even going about the fender before that. So basically he did the Shrouds and the number plates and ask if I wanted to finish. So of course I accpeted. So the lovely shrouds and numbers plates are by him. And the rest of the bike is by yours truly Bobby. =D I hope you guys in enjoy. Big thanks to Gala because I pracitcally looked at your engine for ever. And make it look like yours hope you dont mind. And thanks to uh OH YEAH CUTINO NICO YOUR THE MAN! And once again sorry Kosmo I didnt mean for the same skins to be released. But yeah yours was awesome hope people like this one as much as yours.

Thanks guys enjoy.


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