polsihed piston 2 - pro's only

bondsmx  (Apr 14, 2006)

hey guys, back with my new sx track... this is polished piston 2... i took alot of the same kind of track, from pp1... just made it ALOT thougher to get a clean lap... i was going for a east coast sx kinda feel... little rutted.. a few blown out corners... that kinda thing... and before you guys get on me for my jumps being steep... remember, this is supposed to be a pro's only kinda track... and i only use 250's in the game, so on a 500 im sure its not gonna be near as hard... one of the highlights of this track is the inside rut before a big triple.. its the one right before the under bridge... it can be tough to make five laps in a row... anyways.. i gotta give a HUGE thanks to CHYLD... man this guy was awesome, whipped me out some GREAT textures and an awesome track pic... and was realllly cool about the whole thing... so thanks again man... everyone, ENJOY b.bonds p.s. hey ellis kid... don't leave any unnecessary comments please...

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