Sixth trickpack

Talipee  (Jun 02, 2005)

yeap its me again! my sixth pack which was supposed to be released weeks ago but was too lazy... there are some tricks im not happy with... atleast i smoothed that corkscrew whip a bit 8) (in gif)
aight the replacers are

Airwalk - Corkscrew whip
Barhop - Lookback indian
Barkneel - Dbl can
BarkneelALT - DBL can to no handed dbl can
Bkahuna - Whipped Starfish
CliffHanger - Scorpion Hart
Cordova - Barhop BF
Dcan - Cliffhanger
DcanALT - Cliff to no handed Dcan
Heart - Dbl grab hart
Heelclicker - Barhop (on site)
ClickALT - Barhop to turntable to nothing
Lazyboy - No handed shaolin
Nacnac - Dbl grab
NacALT - Indy rocksolid
Saran - CatnacIndy
Seatgrab - Lazyboy
Split X - Sidewinder
Superman - Ruler
SuperALT - more extension to ruler

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