This is Motocross

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JagMstr  (Jan 16, 2005)


You must have the TD MXU Extended RES files installed :

This started as a replica of a track that I used to ride every week when I was a kid.
Well, it ended up as it´s big brother on steroids really but what the hell it´s more
fun this way.
Every jump, bump, berm and rut is there for a reason -To make you feel like You´re
actually riding a mx bike.You can go anywhere on this track and make it work.

It´s my second track and I had shitloads of learning to do with all these tools and
stuff, and I´m actually glad now that I had nothing given to me but had to
dig it out myself and make it work.

Custom objects from; VMX, TD, animated gate by VMX_ElDiablo.

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