Super Sonic(Superbike Grand Prix)

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DBR_R1CH1MPULSE  (Dec 31, 2003)

Well heres something a little different for you guys to let in the new year with.
This is a little grand prix circuit that i have planned to make for a while but never got round to.
I have made this track because the superbike models that Extreme made needed somewhere to be thrashed, plus no one else seemed to be making one.
The track is nice and fast with good laps around 53 seconds.
With tracks like this theres little work that needs to go into the disp map so worked hard on the textures and object selection, i think it's come out well, but i'll let you guys decide.
This track will be an adsolute blast with friends on the zone!
I'd like to say thanks to all the guys over at the twisted dirt forums for their advice on this one (you know who you are)
Also a massive thanks to the object creators,
but most of all extreme for inspiring me to make this track in the first place.
Please download, and please leave some comments.
Happy New Year!

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