Reeds Daytona silver and maroon Thor

tff_thormx  (Mar 23, 2005)

well... i made this write after daytona Reed, had on silver and maroon red thor gear i had tons of pics to show me this. i added mesh to the skin tonight and fixed it up some from what it was, to make it look a lil more realistic. i didnt add stitching cuase honestly i suck at it and i need to get better some how.i worked somewhat hard on this all i did to the helmet was i made a new moulth peace vent. because the other looked to copy and pasted, i made this one from scratch. as for the gear i made it my self EXCEPT that patch on the nee is tk_ tweackeds. Thanks to the_Gala for the awsome tech 10 alpinestar pack i used his boots here obviosly... and that is all take this what its worth i wouldnt call it the best by far but if u like it cool D/L enjoy.
lates Dave

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