05MSR gear

tff_thormx  (Nov 04, 2004)

i just keep pumping them out don't i? nah.... i made this gear like the very first week it came out. i made a personal set for tommy weeck with his real lid on it and all, but i changed it up some now and i would like to thank tk_disturbed for the alps. i think this gear came out pretty cool. like i said i have had it on my drive for like allmost a year lol, i put on mc's replica lid on it because im old school, and like the bell moto 7's still. but i took off all the mc logo's and his sponcers and stuff so u just get the plain old replica lid. so anyway i worked on this gear for mounths! i made it like peace by peace a week haha just ask tommy , i took forever to finish it but i deicided id up it so u guys can enjoy it to after all that is what this games all about. well that's all i got to say have fun enjoy AND FRENCH DON'T TOUCH THIS SKIN! everybody else have fun ...later

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