Build your own haybale kit.

MX45  (Oct 25, 2005)

DESCRIPTION: This kit includes ONE bale.slt file, ONE shadowed skin, and ONE .psd file with 14 or so layers with different sponsors.

EXPLANATION: People seem to like the size of this bale, but my stuff is so jumbled up in my user models folder I can't even begin to sort through and find all the RIGHT files for each of these bales. So instead of giving me a headache and probably still uploading one or two wrong files in a bale pack, I give you this.
So sorry you have to do a little work, it won't take long.

**If you DO NOT know how do edit a .slt file, read below**
DIRECTIONS: Take KX_BasicBale.SLT and COPY/PASTE the file.
RENAME the copied file to whatever. Something describing the skin would be smart. For example, rename it to RIP_TWMXbale.slt. Now open the photoshop .psd. Do your thing with the layers, use my stuff or make your own. Bring up the TransWorld layer. Save as RIP_TWMXbale.tga
Now, open RIP_TWMXbale.slt using notepad. A couple lines down where it says TextureMap=KX_BasicBale.tga, change the file name to your new bale, RIP_TWMXbale.tga in this example. You are on your own for the _art files.
REPEAT this process to make another bale.
Have fun ;-)

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